Development of wind power in Norway is a big environmental hoax!

Norway's last wilderness, the coast and the mountains are today in danger of being sacrificed in the search for new renewable energy sources. At the same time, wind power is promoted as an energy solution that will reduce Norway's CO2 emissions. This happens without the knowledge and ability to become familiar with the consequences of establishing wind power plants in untouched nature along the coast and in the mountains. Wind power plant = Eternal industrial area. The environmental accounts for a large part of the planned wind power plants are failing. Today's conference in Tromsø organized by the Zero foundation profiles wind power as an environmental solution for the future. The truth is that the development of wind power in Norway is a serious environmental hoax. Norway has enough energy if we stop exporting abroad. We cannot destroy Norwegian nature in order to save the climate accounts for other countries.

Major natural interventions
The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association (NMF) is not in principle against wind power, but the plans that exist today will demolish large parts of the coast of Norway. If all plans are realized, it will not be possible to travel from Kristiansand to Kirkenes without constantly seeing one or more wind turbines on the horizon. The wind power facilities will consist of up to 100 wind turbines, where the largest turbines will be up to 140 meters high. By comparison, Oslo Plaza is 117 meters high. Development of a wind power plant will result in the landscape being razed and transformed into an industrial area. When establishing the wind power facilities, a minimum of 1 km of road is needed for each established wind turbine. A landscape where a wind power plant has been established will be destroyed forever.

Threat to birds of prey
Wind turbines have proven to be a serious threat to birds of prey. During the first 8 months after the Smøla wind farm in Møre og Romsdal was declared open with pomp and splendor in 2005, nine sea eagles were killed by the wind turbines. Smøla has previously been known for strong populations of both white-tailed sea eagles and ospreys. From the beginning in 2005 until today, at least 7-8 sea eagles have been killed by the rotors of the wind turbines every year. The establishment of wind power plants along the coast and in the mountains represents a major threat to birds of prey as they are very vulnerable to collisions with wind turbines and power lines.

Outdoor life is affected
If coastal and mountain areas are exposed to an extensive development of wind power, this could lead to areas that have previously been used for outdoor areas having their value reduced as untouched and noise-free. Using an area developed for a wind power plant as a recreational area is associated with danger to life. In addition, the noise from the wind turbines is significant.

Great single income potential
Norway, as a nation, is in a unique special position in that we are naturally provided with unimaginable natural resources on the energy side in the form of hydropower, oil and gas. By upgrading established power plants and supply systems, it would be possible to obtain up to 2-3 times as much energy (3 TWh) as the authorities set as a target until 2010. Today, they have no set target for future wind power development. There is currently an untapped monocycle potential in Norway alone that can reduce current consumption by up to 20 %. Norway is largely self-sufficient in energy. Today's policy, however, facilitates a continuous export of energy abroad. Norway cannot supply Europe with energy like a green battery.

Too little wind?
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) has found that the established wind power plants in Norway produce 15-28 % less electricity in total than calculated. The investigations have clearly not been good enough. Coincidentally, it is the case that the wind industry companies receive public support based on the assumed production of electricity!

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