Green Warriors of Norway

Norges Miljøvernforbund sin nettside er nettopp flyttet til en ny webserver og blir snart oppgradert med nytt og bedre design. Alt innholdet er tilgjengelig som før. Nettsiden blir fortløpende oppdatert og foreligger snart i ny og forbedret utgave. Vi takker for forståelsen.

Academic heavyweights within environmental protection

We work tirelessly with a wide register of environmental matters, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. As a stable and independent organisation, we conduct active, efficient and ongoing environmental protection work against questioning politicians and established sources of pollution.

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Kr. 200,- trekkes fra din neste telefonregning. Deretter: Ordinær 380,-/år | Stud./pensj: 200,-/år

Account no. 3208.26.05966 – Vipps 96748

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association is establishing action groups against wind power across the country“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Wind power

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association is establishing action groups against wind power across the country

By 29 April 2020 0
NMF har over lengre tid sett seg lei på at vindkraftbaronene nærmest har fritt leide til å ødelegge og rasere
The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association is asking the police chief in Oslo to blow up a BMW outside the German embassy“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Wind power

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association is asking the police chief in Oslo to blow up a BMW outside the German embassy

By 17 April 2020 0
Oslo 1995.08.21Miljøaktivist Kurt Oddekalv sprenger en Citroen 2CV i luften utenfor den Franske ambassade i Oslo. Foto: Tor Richardsen /
Not the first time German authorities have threatened Norway...“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Wind power

Not the first time German authorities have threatened Norway...

By 3 April 2020 0
Tysklands ambassadør i Norge, Alfred Grannas sendte 26. mars 2020 en ganske utilslørt trussel til den norske stat ved Olje-
The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association also reacts to the corona exemption for wind power plants“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Wind power

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association also reacts to the corona exemption for wind power plants

By 31 March 2020 0
I en tid der befolkningen er underlagt store og omfattende restriksjoner på grunn av frykten for koronasmitte, og der Olje-
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