Green Warriors of Norway

Norges Miljøvernforbund sin nettside er nettopp flyttet til en ny webserver og blir snart oppgradert med nytt og bedre design. Alt innholdet er tilgjengelig som før. Nettsiden blir fortløpende oppdatert og foreligger snart i ny og forbedret utgave. Vi takker for forståelsen.

Academic heavyweights within environmental protection

We work tirelessly with a wide register of environmental matters, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. As a stable and independent organisation, we conduct active, efficient and ongoing environmental protection work against questioning politicians and established sources of pollution.

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Account no. 3208.26.05966 – Vipps 96748

Genetically modified apples with the invisible damage.“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Safe food

Genetically modified apples with the invisible damage.

By 9 May 2018 0
GMO-teknologi bruker et kjent planteskade (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) for å sette et fremmedlegeme av DNA et sted inn i en plantes genom.
NMF reports to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for pollution of protected waterways“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases

NMF reports to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for pollution of protected waterways

By 20 March 2018 0
NMF har anmeldt statens vegvesen for å slippe ut sementholdig borevann i elven Sokna, som renner ut i Gaula i Midtre-Gauldal
Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer is the most widely used method to create GMOs“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases

Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer is the most widely used method to create GMOs

By 20 March 2018 0
I naturen er Agrobacterium tumefaciens en bakterium som infiserer røtter og stengler til planter og forårsaker sykdommen krongalle (
NMF reports to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for pollution of protected waterways“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Environmental toxins

NMF reports to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for pollution of protected waterways

By 15 March 2018 0
NMF har anmeldt statens vegvesen for å slippe ut sementholdig borevann i elven Sokna, som renner ut i Gaula i Midtre-Gauldal
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