Victory for the Norwegian Environment Protection Association

In November 2016, the Norwegian Environmental Protection Association reported Måsølval Fish Farming and Lerøy Center for serious animal cruelty. Later, both NOAH and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority followed suit with their reviews.

The basis for the report is that the Norwegian Food Safety Authority discovered salmon with large wounds due to an infestation of salmon lice sky high above the permitted limits when inspecting location 26770 Fjølværet ø. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority also saw individuals which they considered to have been partially eaten by lice, and they also observed large quantities of dead salmon in the cages lying rotting, and which the breeder had not removed from the cages.

In June 2018, the case was fully investigated by the Police in Sør-Trøndelag, and the state attorney imposed a fine of NOK 5 million on Måsølval fish farming. In addition, Lerøy Midt received an infringement fee from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority for the same type of offense of NOK 1.4 million.

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association sees this as a victory for the environment, and it shows that it is useful to report offenses by this industry.


See media reports here:

Receives a fine of five million kroner

Lerøy must pay a fine of NOK 1.4 million after the death of fish

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