Green Warriors of Norway

Norges Miljøvernforbund sin nettside er nettopp flyttet til en ny webserver og blir snart oppgradert med nytt og bedre design. Alt innholdet er tilgjengelig som før. Nettsiden blir fortløpende oppdatert og foreligger snart i ny og forbedret utgave. Vi takker for forståelsen.

Academic heavyweights within environmental protection

We work tirelessly with a wide register of environmental matters, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. As a stable and independent organisation, we conduct active, efficient and ongoing environmental protection work against questioning politicians and established sources of pollution.

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Kr. 200,- trekkes fra din neste telefonregning. Deretter: Ordinær 380,-/år | Stud./pensj: 200,-/år

Account no. 3208.26.05966 – Vipps 96748

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association asks the Mauritian authorities to reconsider the dumping of the foreship of the Wakasio casualty“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Coastal and oil protection Marine environment

The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association asks the Mauritian authorities to reconsider the dumping of the foreship of the Wakasio casualty

By 21 August 2020 0
NMF ber Mauritius myndigheter redde forskipet og hugge dette på forsvarlig måte istedet for å senke det som nå er
The owner and executive director of Stangeland Maskin attacks and injures a member of the Norwegian Environmental Protection Association“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Other cases Wind power

The owner and executive director of Stangeland Maskin attacks and injures a member of the Norwegian Environmental Protection Association

By 1 August 2020 0
Norges Miljøvernforbunds (NMF) banner fikk eier og konserndirektør Olav Stangeland til å fysisk angripe og slå ned vindkraftmotstander og
Electrification not compatible with guarantees of origin“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Climate Wind power

Electrification not compatible with guarantees of origin

By 26 June 2020 0
Man legger gjerne alle kort inn på elektrifisering der den norske strømmen ubetinget presenteres som ren fornybar kraft. Selv
Block environmentally damaging electrification of the Norwegian continental shelf and offshore wind - Upgrade and make turbines more efficient to reduce CO2“/></a></div><div data-s3cid=Climate Wind power

Block environmentally damaging electrification of the Norwegian continental shelf and offshore wind - Upgrade and make turbines more efficient to reduce CO2

By 26 June 2020 0
Norges Miljøvernforbund(NMF) krever at regjeringen går vekk fra ideen og planene om elektrifisering av norsk sokkel og
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