Let Naturen Leve's complaint about Kjølberget was rejected

Press release Oslo/Bergen 18 June 2019

It is expected that La Naturen Leve (LNL)'s appeal was rejected. The Swedish Environmental Protection Association (NMF) and the municipal council's minority's complaint has not yet been processed! It was not the way NMF sees it as surprising that the County Governor fell on the decision that appears in the letter of 17 June 2019 in relation to complaint from LNL.

NMF is aware via the media that the District Court has refused to stop the development in Kjølberget. The police report submitted 4 weeks ago is, as NMF perceives, not taken into account by the Innlandet police district.

Våler municipality made an attempt to have questions about the deadline for dispensation dealt with on 20 May 2019. In the week leading up to 27 May, NMF believes that Våler municipality was exposed to massive pressure from developers and investor interests. This led to the very special handling of the case by the Chairmanship and municipal council on 27 May 2019.

NMF believes that Våler municipal council had a sincere will on 20 May to process the councillor's recommendation, the conclusion of which would have resulted in a halt in work. NMF is not sure that Våler municipality would grant a new dispensation. This is justified, among other things, by in a lot of new information received by the municipality over the months of April and May 2019.

Furthermore, NMF believes that the argument that a license has been granted cannot be given too much weight as different assumptions, lack of knowledge and insight form the basis for the licence. NMF has throughout, in the case of Finnskogen and Kjølberget, pointed out since April that there is popular resistance and actions in the planning area that can create the pressure that means that new rounds have to be taken, politically and administratively.

The NMF is disappointed by the County Governor's decision, which does not take into account the nature and environmental values that are being lost, but exclusively argues on details in the Planning and Building Act and the Energy Act and the exemption provisions contained therein.

NMF will continue to motivate shareholders to occupy the planning area as soon as possible, in order to prevent the work. Furthermore, NMF will seek other authorizations and regulations to train and stop Austri Vind's nature-destroying development.

NMF would like to emphasize that there are two more complaints to be processed by the County Governor.

Green Warriors of Norway
Kurt Oddekalv

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